General Pest Control 101 BASIC 18 Hrs.

It is a comprehensive and integrated professional training course dedicated to developing public health pest control technicians (PCT) for a period of 18 years, with the aim of qualifying the trainee to be a qualified Public Health Pest Control Technician. This training provides them with the necessary skills to conduct the control operations professionally.
Course content:
The course is designed to be integrated to gain the trainee knowledge and the required skills through training them about important elements such as: Firstly: Pest Biology (identification of the common pests), Secondly: Materials and equipment of Pest control, thirdly: technical methods of control, fourthly: knowledge of risks and implementing safety measures, and Fifthly: managing control operations such as records and time management for pest control operations in various facilities.
Course outcomes:
Providing the trainee with the necessary professional and cognitive skills to be qualified to become a professional public health pest control technician.
Learning the trainee with the necessary skills on how to protect himself and the facility and using the PPEs effectively.
The (PCT) must acquire the knowledge and skills to correctly identify the pest and its stages as well as the potential breeding sites.
Skills of how to read the pesticide label correctly.
Skills of how to perform control operations efficiently and professionally in various facilities.
Mode of delivery:
Online by zoom platform with live class with the rate of the session of 3 hours per day
On class by attending physically considering COVID-19 precautions.
Course duration:
18 hours / 6 Days (6 sessions of 3 hours) include sessions, mock exams, videos, and other scenarios.
Final exam:
Exam of 50 questions, one-hour computer-based exam (70% pass).
An entomologist with long experience.
An approved certificate shall be awarded valid for 2 years.
high school or diploma (10 years or 12 years)

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